yeah it’s christmas
they be running wild people here people there they be running wild in the streets they got guns they got tanks they got crazy ideas about god jesus mohammad the second third fourth coming eye can’t keep count four horsemen giddyup motherfucker take all these souls take us all pitiful pathetic souls that we aspire to be
one day baby don’t you knowwe all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
four more americans died today merry fucking christmas four more died while president el presidente fearless leader dubya he spent christmas eve calling some of the you ess troops our boys and girls in uniform
not my fucking boy not my fucking girl
ain’t never going to see my babies in a uniform last night walking out of the movie me one and only favorite oldest child one and only favorite daughter eye say walking out of the movie eye put my arm around them both eye kiss them both on the forehead eye have to stretch up just a bit now to touch my lips to son
when did he get taller than me
love them both goddamn eye do eye say to them ain’t no flag worth dying for ain’t no flag worth killing for ain’t no god worth dying for ain’t no god worth killing for look me in the eye tell me you believe me eye mean eye understand
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
yeah fearless leader he spent the eve calling our boys and girls in uniform eye wonder wonder wonder who wrote the book of love who got the call who were the lucky dozen a lottery perhaps a bone to the good republican judge from east buttfuck pennsylvania dubya he made the calls god bless his soul the you ess military they say three of the four died in bagged dad when a roadside bomb detonated
debt oh nate ed
while a fourth yes that’s the fourth of four for those in my studio audience who are playing along this poor fucker died in an explosion east of the eye racky capital with their deaths drum roll please with their deaths the envelope please with their deaths we got a total of two thousand nine hundred sixty and nine you ess troops been killed since the war began in early march two thousand three
did eye ever tell you the war started on my birthday
happy fucking birthday to me merry fucking christmas to you we approaching three thousand guess that ain’t so bad how many got killed by katrina fuckups how many got killed starving to death in appalachia how many got killed in prison sucking dick
how many times will my mother die of breast cancer
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
what the hell eye’m done with this fucking war eye don’t give a shit eye don’t give a fuck eye’m going home to
meet me in the middle of the day
let me hear you say everything’s okay
bring me southern kisses from your room
eye don’t give a fuck about my reputation merry fucking christmas eye don’t give a fuck eye don’t give a shit ethiopian christian war planes bomb somali islamist terrorist insurgent rebel militia forces hoodlum motherfuckers ghetto fucking aff freakin’s let ‘em fucking kill each other fucking niggers who the fuck cares about them well maybe we like them nigerian cocksuckers they not only got black skin they got black gold they be all right merry fucking christmas yeah before they just had a few hundred millie tarry advisors now it’s oh fucking ficial it’s fucking war on
christmas day christmas eve
went by trader joe’s in laurel heights holiday food shopping don’t you know it’s christmas hey it’s exmas aye jesus we knew you so well yeah let’s go ahead and take the christ out of christmas eye mean what the fuck it’s obvious they’ve taken the christ out of the church jesus jesus we knew ye so well what happened to you what the fuck happened to you eye guess it’s just too much sometimes the burden fuck this burden
eye know believe me eye know
trader joe’s in laurel heights pushing my cart around eye got a list eye’m checking it twice there she is she comes walking down the aisle she be so hot she be a walking stick of dynamite die no mite eye stop in my tracks sometimes jesus he gives back for all the shit sometimes jesus he tosses us a crumb or two just gotta open them old eyes
don’t you know she’s russian aw man don’t look at me that way c’mon eye know before eye hear her talking on her cell phone here we are in laurel heights lily white granola crowd shopping at trader joe’s oh don’t you just love their wine selection yes check out my extra large recycled plastic bottle of doctor bronner’s magical peppermint soap oh those etonic’s are just so cute on you don’t you just love this fleece jacket not this woman not my russian goddess walking down the aisle basket on arm extending to black gloved hand
red shiny vinyl
coat sliding all the way down below her knees down to her lovely calves so carefully wrapped in sheer black stockings sheer but for two not one bold black bars shooting straight down from beneath the coat to the black knock me down fuck me quick shoes pointed toesjust in case she needs to kick me while eye’m down
eye know believe me eye know
her hat a la early to mid sixties audrey hepburn yeah audrey’s been on my mind lately funny how that is funny how that happens she’s been there a while hat red vinyl must have come with the coat an ensemble perhaps an outfit she be so sexy wonder what’s beneath eye trust my imagination baby you can too she be so sexy wild blond hair diamonds eye mean die mondes baby that authoritative dominatrix look telling me sneering at me
fuck me right or i will kill you
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
later sitting outside of café lo cubano sipping my cortadito ain’t eye hip ain’t eye cool reading my san francisco weekly trying to be radical chic don’t you know in that way that che guevera is among the white college kids private college what the fuck do they know about it what the fuck do eye know about it
eye ain’t never been shot at not with a real gun
what the fuck do we know about it when did we last go hungry when did we last dodge bullets when did we have to worry about getting buttfucked in prison fuck we have life issues we have personal crises we have to find our fucking selves we may even travel to vietnam pedal bicycles among the rice paddies coo softly even jealously over the simplicity of the peasant shall we call it lifestyle if all we had to worry about was getting up in the morning just making sure no weeds grew amongst between the tender rice shoots who needs love who needs romance when you gotta get up worry about the carpenter ants boll weevils rice grubs whatever the fuck fucks with the whole rice trip if we could only simplify simplify simplify be born grow up find someone to marry mate and fuck tend my rice raise the kids grow old then fucking die maybe give an offering to the local monk before eye go
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
give an offering to the local monk and his temple hey what’s so bad about that simplify simplify semper fi motherfucker oh my me oh my our life is so fucking troubled complicated complex chaotic
eye might just go to
eye hear that they teach them to paint and play the bugle how about that cute woman eye’m back at café lo cubano now cute woman eye’m gonna say irish woman cute eye rish woman fair skinned bet she has sexy freckles in all the right places she be mid thirties there are two tables out front at cubano two tables on either side of the front door eye’m stage left she the cute irish woman she sits stage right with a woman who must be her mother later stage dorian grey the woman the young eye rish woman she reaches across the table touches mom’s hands lightly eye am reading my weekly reader it be mayor bashing it be chris daly bashing it be pee gee and ee bashing it be a left wing weekly after all and eye’m obligated to read them
eye’m white hip and enlightened
sympathetic to the cause of the downtrodden fuck the man stick it to the man she the cute irish lass she reaches across touches mom’s hands lightly she speaks slowly softly builds steam strolls her words until she stampedes them
men don’t understand her
she hasn’t had a decent relationship lasting more than two three four months since she don’t know when in such a long time oh mother what is wrong with me what’s wrong with her life eye mean this past summer she met this guy early summer he just didn’t get her he just couldn’t get her she says now holding mom’s hands she says i tried to tell him who i am i just tried to be honest i laid it all out there i did i told him everything i needed in a man i figured i thought hey i might as well let him know up front
momma she coos softly says baby baby i know i know
peeking over my weekly reader late afternoon san francisco december post solstice sun going down street lights starting to come on not too cold kind of nice out a kind crispness in the air eye’m thinking my did eye say it aloud eye’m thinking fuck fuck whatever happened to
hold something back baby keep it in the closet let it be good let it be deep let it be good and deep because
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three
merry fucking christmas girlie girl six hundred thousand cocksuckers die in the desert me you sitting here in laurel village here on
victim of love
one day baby don’t you know
we all just gotta get up and go
hey jesus please let me be
james brown he died at seventy three