i want to
thank you
for letting me
be myself
hey hey hey
sitting in the backseat of
billy’s sixty six chevy impala ess ess three ninety six he’s thinking to
himself he’s almost mouthing the thoughts in time with the song he’s thinking
i'm digging
we’re digging
on sly and the family
and it’s dark
dark thirty deep into the
jimmy he’s riding in the
backseat of cousin billy’s hot rod
that hot rod it goes vroom
vroom it goes rumble rumble grind grind it goes flying down some south georgia
dark dark
jimmy he is pushed back
almost like the weight of his asthma upon his chest when it visits him in his
dreams in his sleep pushed back into the snug black vinyl summer soft sticking
to him wrapping around him humming doing the jiggle jiggle fat auntie squeeze
and shake the windows down wind blowing in with that cool but warm moist air
both slapping and soothing all at the same time tick tock tipping tripping tree
shadows flying by wispy clouds swirling above a hazy gauze wrapped around the
full moon
and there’s that something in
the air that sort of creeps up into the nostrils hits a person way up in the
back of the sinuses causes a person to wonder if to consider the possibility
that he is rotting from the inside out
that night time out in the country
earthiness a dankness a brew of life and death and that funky shit in between and
hell maybe it ain’t even so much the stink really
it’s more the floaty green
mist that burns at the bottom edges of his eyes
that mist that sometimes just
sort of drifts up and out of from some of the low lying water ditch water swamp
water cypress water still ponds full of cow shit horse shit pig shit dog shit
cat shit snake shit frog shit goddamn alligator shit and piss and stench that
garbagesque grassy grappa from the muck
that is shaken not stirred
with a spoiled egg sulfurous
sluff snaking its way over from the paper mill next county over
yeah that mist might sting
just a little just a bit
hey jimmy it’s just a little
burn just a mild sizzle
jimmy he’s in the back seat
he’s thirteen billy he's seventeen
jimmy he do idolize cousin
jimmy his cousin billy he be
a hero his fucking hero jimmy’s hero his monkey see monkey do summer of nineteen
seventy one south georgia cuthbert georgia outskirts thereof middle of fucking
nowhere screaming down the road tar and gravel grabbing those bigass tires jimmy
he is the rubber being left behind on the rough rough roughness
to the music
all night long
they jimmy and billy and
steve they are out for the evening they’re out for the night the night it has
no boundaries there are no walls they are invisible to the world to the
universe comfortably ensconced within the confines of their space ship lounge
they can go anywhere as long as they’re back by morning they can be anywhere in
the world southwest georgia up and down and amidst around keep the tank full
keep it full enough keep this bitch rightside up and between the ditches
that double yellow line
double yellow line up and over and around the bend slicing up the country side
splitting tree from tree slicing the cord splicing the chord ain’t gonna die
bored ain’t never drove a ford
once they get into the car
once they hit the road no telling where they might end up might be over down by
the lake might be up further by fort gaines on the river might be deep down in
the boonies southeast of cuthbert a fucking no man’s land a land of no return a
lost forest a hidden valley of muck and mire loathsome lascivious evil and
possible interspecies breeding
an evil
upon which even the moon
would not bathe in her vile light
miles and miles of slash pine
and loblolly pine and cypress and sweetgum and old old basket oak all giving
off a seemingly surprised and frightened vibe alarmed desperately fighting
slapping like a man would slap should he wake up in the midst of a fire ant bed
where he’d fallen drunk passed out in the middle of the night alarmed slapping
off swarms of kudzu some succumbing suffocating beneath the brutish crawlers
their suckers stabbing deep drawing pulling long and hard from the endless
pools of cellulous lifejuices
such a vampiritic undead
part plant
part ravenous rant
needing to be fed
for the folk of this dell
there is no god there is no jesus walking across the water these fools they
fear no fire nor brimstone upon which they would not hesitate to spit though
their greedy fingers may be burned upon his sacred rustling robe they will not
bow down they will not go gently anywhere
way out there in a land known
only as wayback and smack dab in the middle of wayback there is this bar this
little hootchie cootchie club this little juke joint set off just a bit from
this deep running creek and sitting beneath a big old cypress sprung up back
before the injun days back before kolomoki
inside the wayback joint
nestled up against the bar that was no more than a long piece of plywood perched
up on two metal drums and covered with formica tiles are the ugliest one-eyed two-eyed
long greasy haired finger-missing semi-toothed scarred and mauled battered and
bruised ben davis wearing goat fucking human beings both male and female and
otherwise that jimmy had ever seen across his entire thirteen years
billy and steve dragging
jimmy along they walk in to get beer they don’t seem to mind they don’t seem
too bothered by the semi-toothed they just want go in grab some beer share some
snarls shift some shoulders slide some attitude twelve busch beers ice cold caught
up in a paper bag they leave money on the formica they leave through the sort
of door they had come in
get back in the car slide
back onto the road tires slipping sliding cherry bomb bursting
bill and steve they just want
to cruise down there and amongst them spinning
wheels spinning feels fucking with the jacks looking for jills
they just have a hankerin’ to
just be fucking with them
a dangerous game
sort of maybe
sometimes well it seems that
it just has to be played like that like there is nothing else nothing else at
all cuz it’s all hey they are there billy and steve are here billy and steve
they gotta go fuck with them wayback boys that’s the way it’s always been
that’s the way it is that’s the way it will be it’s simply some dumb redneck
interbreeding tribal reality
they’re only following the
so yeah
hell billy and steve and
they’re cruising
they just drive on down the
road they don’t know where they’re going they got beer they got dope they could
end up anywhere as long as they’re back by morning to open the store
thou shalt not fuck with the
hallowed halls of commerce thou shalt not fuck with uncle rick’s corner grocery
so yeah
they’re cruising
cousin billy he throws a bag
to steve he says glancing sideways to
make sure the dumbfuck had caught the bag that he hadn’t let it fly out the
window he’d done it before steve he’d done it before he’d lost a bag out the
window jimmy’s cousin billy he’d stopped the car in the black fucking darkness
of the night backed her up a ways maybe twenty five fifty yards made steve get
out and crawl around on his hands and knees until he found the goddamn bag
so jimmy’s cousin billy he
throws a bag to steve he says
roll one
jimmy his summer of
introduction his summer that kicks it all off his own little personal summer of
love summer of nineteen seventy one thirteen years old
jimmy where's his momma
jimmy he’s riding through the
backwoods of south georgia with cousin billy and billy’s asshole friend steve
where's his momma
don't know don't know don't
fucking know all he knows all jimmy knows all he knows is that right now right
this very moment he feels good yeah he feels lost and he feels bad but he feels
it all frothing to and fro he feels love he feels hatred he feels sick to his
stomach might have been the beer he’s sitting back head leaning back looking
down over across his nose he can see the big glowing green speedometer they’re
riding along soaring along
now it’s ninety
now it’s a hundred and five
billy low riding it two hands
on the wheel head back steve’s leaned over billy won't let him roll up the
windows billy tells steve he says
i’ll kick your fucking ass if
you lose any weed in the wind
steve he leans over the bag
between his legs on the floorboard trying to clean out the seeds and stems shit
it's fucking nineteen seventy one shitty mexican brown weed
all seeds and stem
sly and the family stone in
the eight track
jimmy he’s digging sly stone
and the family
and steve he finally sits up
with a big old joint clenched in his teeth like clint fucking eastwood chawing
his cheroot he looks at billy for approval but billy he just glances over at
him then brings his gaze back forward steve he leans back down flicks clicks
shakes the zippo clicks flicks steve he lights the bone on the third fourth try
up and down the city road
in and out the eagle
that’s the way the money goes
pop goes the weasel
as he sits up
a seed pops and its fire arcs
over his gut onto his cheap hippie indian cotton gauze shirt that he bought
beginning of summer up in atlanta down in the underground in some sleazy stand
selling tee-shirts and black light posters just a few doors down from where lester
maddox sold his ax handles
this shirt it puffs up into a
mini mellow yellow and blue mushroom cloud of flame and smoke and he steve he
yells slaps at his stomach smoke a’risin’ set this house a’fire burnt cotton
and hair stench drifts into the backseat
billy he says shaking his
shaggy head he mutters he says
you fucking idiot
steve he looks down at his
exposed belly he shrugs he passes the joint to billy takes a breath passes the
joint to billy re-establishes process re-applies structure adheres to ritual there
is order in passing of the joint in the car
one of the first lessons of
the summer for jimmy joint passing one oh one doobie goes counter clockwise
from passenger to driver over driver's right shoulder to back seat across back
seat back up to passenger can't go clockwise that ain’t safe
it ain't safe
to pass the joint to the
driver from the backseat even a stoner has rules of some sort or another
even a stoner has rules
sly stone on the eight track
sometimes i'm right and i can
be wrong
my own beliefs are in my song
sly stone on the eight track
roll another one just like
the other one cocksucking mexican brown jimmy he don't know if he’s stoned or
tired he’s thirteen what the fuck do he know he’s just trying to be cool
because billy he's cool jimmy don’t you know he thinks billy is cool what the
fuck why not he’s the baddest man in the woods
earlier in the summer earlier
in the summer billy he hands jimmy a joint he says hey hey hey when jimmy when
he hesitates billy he says
hey hey have i ever done
anything that would do you wrong
to jimmy them's powerful
words that he swallows that jimmy he swallows that he drinks
so he just fucking takes the
joint in nineteen seventy one that shit so forbidden so exotic down in south
georgia he might as well have been fucking a nigger girl bringing her home
introducing her to his momma
where's his momma where's
jimmy’s momma
it ain't safe to pass a joint
to the driver from the backseat billy he passes it back over his shoulder to
jimmy and jimmy he takes a long hot gravelly hit he rolls his head looks out
the window notices a couple of old white clapboard houses set off back behind a
couple of big oaks they begin to slow down
pretty quickly
they pull into leary little
dipshit town it’s got a square it’s got a feed and seed store it’s got a drug
store it ain’t got no piggly wiggly on the outskirts it barely got a texaco
station the sign it’s leaning over into the parking lot the result of a tornado
blowing through last summer they ain’t never got it fixed
jimmy he can't tell the
difference between
cuthbert and leary
the only thing he knows the
only thing jimmy can tell the only thing he knows is that billy he tells jimmy
that the cool people live in cuthbert the rednecks live in leary
that’s the way it is that’s
the way it will be
so jimmy he’s good with that
there needs to be a them to his us
cuthbert the county seat they
be cool they be the center of the uni-fucking-verse billy’s momma jimmy’s aunt
betty she even talks about them smart folks that just up and leave atlanta
migrate down to the good life in cuthbert they got everything anyone might ever
need up in cuthbert and if it ain’t there well hell they got it just over the
hill in albany or just up the river in columbus
but they billy and steve and
jimmy they ain’t going to albany tonight they ain’t going to columbus tonight
they headed a little bit southeast they might be headed over down around leary
they take a roundabout way
there they don’t go directly there they head south down through edison on down
through arlington and then back around and up to leary they need time to open
her up they need time to smoke some joints they need time
in the middle of a night when
all they got is time when time is all they got
time and attitude and
billy and steve and jimmy
even then they still need
time even though it burns their greedy little fingers
they hit leary they cross
that mysterious line where not-leary ends and leary begins they enter the
incorporated city of leary georgia population more than they got fingers and
toes but less than the stray cats and dogs that wander the paths and nooks and
crannies of said sleepy hollow
they cruise leary
sly on the eight track
windows down street lights glowing bright on the street the main street the only
street they drive around the square sly he sings alongside the big bass of the
impala four barrel pouring through those cherry bombs a couple of parked cars
some kids out leaning back up against the cars a couple of cute halter top
wearing girls sitting up on the hoods they exchange glances with billy steve
jimmy they exchange glances looking up looking down in a studied yet not giving
a flying fuck manner
they hang a right off the
sly he croons
i am no better
and neither are you
we're all the same
whatever we do
they billy and steve and
jimmy they do leary they hang a right off the square they take a couple of
turns the road it ain’t so well put together the houses they ain’t so well put
together they billy and steve and jimmy they’re cruising nigger town
even the smell changes as
they dip down off the high ground down into the lower side of town the downwind
side of town where even this downwind breeze stops blowing causing the stink to
simply settle
the images they like dissolve
from almost full color even in the dark all three dimensional all lit up from
below up on the high road above to a more faded sepia photograph found in
grandma’s old books but these houses not in the picture these faded houses in
real life downtown leary nigger town they got dust covered cadillacs and buicks
parked in front some new most old and in various degree of decrepitude
steve he throws his mostly empty beer can out the
window hits one of these cars parked on the shoulder
the beer can it hits with a
splat it hits with a dull thud and a splat and a bounce and a rinse repeat dull
thud splat
the impala almost on idle the
south georgia cracker rod moving along so slowly the cam spinning so slowly
jimmy he feels like he’s on some boat drifting across the morning gulf swells
then billy he in a mood in one of his got a burr up his ass needs to let the
world know that his ass it itches it burns billy he kind of suddenly shoves it
into neutral revs the engine slams it down into low gear ratchet shifter beneath
the palm of his right hand slams it down into low gear during the peak of the rev
leaves a patch of rubber squeals barks steve throws another beer can out the
window this one had a lot of beer left you can tell by the thud as it hits
another car
them boys they hear a yell some
bodiless voice of midnight anger august rage
hey you white cracker
billy bug eyes his head cocks
like some hound dog that just heard something ain’t nobody else heard big ess
ess three ninety six spins donuts in the middle of the road dust and gravel
spraying the other cars jimmy he’s thrown around the backseat they billy and
steve and jimmy they're screaming back up the road toward the voice jimmy can
see two black boys older than him younger than billy they’re running off down
the road the cuthbert boys catching up to them the leary black boys they're on
the road they're running headlights on their back
they're running
one looks over his shoulder
they're running
jimmy can see his eyes they
are white wide in the light the leary black boys run past the line of parked
cars where niggertown begins to end the leary black boys they they move to the
shoulder billy slides the ess ess onto the shoulder billy is driving on the
shoulder now dust spraying behind out from under the big wide whitewalled
raised letter sixties they the cuthbert boys they’re spinning a bit fishtailing
a little in the clay the hard clay shoulder steve is yelling he says
run the motherfucker over
jimmy he’s yelling at billy
he says
goddamn billy you’re going to
hit them
jimmy he’s screaming for billy
to stop billy he can't hear jimmy and jimmy he’s yelling jimmy he’s crying steve
is yelling to run the niggers over they the leary black boys they dive off into
the ditch
a swampwater ditch
they jimmy and billy and
steve they hear the splash they hear the cussing coming rising up from the
ditch billy slams on the brakes the two leary black boys are climbing out of
the ditch eyes go wide
as steve shows slides the
long barrel of a pellet gun up so it can be seen through the window
the two leary black boys duck
back down
there is another splash a
shit fuck goddamn muffled holler
billy slams the gas the ess
ess she squeals off peels off
they jimmy and billy and
steve they’re back to the square on the main street in a couple of minutes and
after a couple of slip and slides around the leary street corners leaving a
little bit of cuthbert rubber on leary streets might as well take a shit on the
mayor’s front porch they’re out of leary back on the road to cuthbert sly still
on the eight track
you love me
you hate me
you know me and then
you can't figure out
the bag i'm in
jimmy he’s crying quietly little
sobs quick little gasps trying to catch his breath a couple of tears streaking
down his cheek billy doesn't see jimmy he doesn't hear him billy he doesn't
really care he and steve are laughing it's dark jimmy he’s crying jimmy he’s
fuck fuck fuck
eighty five
ninety five
hundred and five
i am everyday people
they are singing
steve and billy they are
singing with sly stone
there is a long hair that
doesn't like the short hair for being such a rich one that will not help the
poor one different strokes for different folks and so on and so on and scooby
doobie doobie do
jimmy he ain’t singing
fuck fuck fuck
sitting in the back seat of billy’s
chevy impala es es three ninety six billy is seventeen jimmy he’s thirteen it’s
nineteen and seventy-one
fuck fuck fuck so very sly
nigger town everyday people and all that